Jyunko Sugama
Fujita Health University
Tentative title:
Nursing science and technologies expected to respond to health needs in supporting people’s lives through their lifetime
Shoko Miyagawa
Keio University
Tentative title:
Nightingale and Karel Čapek: How Nursing and Soft Robotics Collaborate
Gojiro Nakagami
The University of Tokyo
Tentative title:
Application of robotic mattress for the optimal pressure injury management
Jane Li
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Tentative title:
Advancing Robotic Nursing Assistance Through Human-Robot Collaboration
Thrishantha Nanayakkara
Imperial College London
Tentative title:
Physical examination skill training with a robo-patient
Erin P Dooley
University of Bristol
Tentative title:
Dr Robot will see you now: understanding challenges and opportunities in a digital health training and engagement