Nursing science and technologies expected to respond to health needs in supporting people’s lives through their lifetime

Jyunko Sugama

Nursing science and technologies is an academic discipline that focuses on research and develops new technologies from the perspective of nursing, which directly and closely interacts with patients for a long time, for the purpose of “supporting people’s lives through their disease treatment” related to their health and illness (2014 Sanada and Mori). In Japan, with its declining birthrate and super-aging society, a human-centered society (Society 5.0, Cabinet Office) in which advanced technologies are incorporated into all industries and social life and everyone can lead a comfortable, vibrant, and high quality of life is required. We believe that nursing science and technologies will play a significant role.

In this workshop, the speaker will introduce the past studies in the field of nursing science and technologies, specifically studies on support surfaces to prevent pressure injuries, a skin injury that often occurs in bedridden elderly people. In addition, the Society for Nursing Science and Engineering, which was established in October 2013, will be introduced.