Curriculum Vitae (Watanabe)

Contact information:
Tetsuyou Watanabe, Dr., Eng. (Professor)
Faculty of Frontier Engineering
Institute of Science and Engineering
Kanazawa University
Kakuma-machi, Kanazawa,
920-1192, Japan
Telephone: +81-76-234-4682
Fax: +81-76-234-4682
Home Page:
Doctor of Engineering from Kyoto University (2003)
Master of Engineering from Kyoto University (1999)
Bachelor of Engineering from Kyoto University (1997)
Work Experience:
Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering, College of Science and Engineering, Kanazawa University, Japan (2018.4 - current)
Associate professor, School of Mechanical Engineering, College of Science and Engineering, Kanazawa University, Japan (2011.5 - 2018.3)
Visiting researcher, Munich University of Technology (2008.5-2009.3)
Assistant professor, Division of Human and Mechanical Science and Engineering, Kanazawa University, Japan (2007.4 - 2011.4)
Assistant professor, Department of mechanical Engineering, Yamaguchi University, Japan (2006.10 - 2007.3)
Research Associate, Department of mechanical Engineering, Yamaguchi University, Japan (2003.4 – 2006.9)

IROS 2019 Robotng andic Graspi Manipulation Competition: Manufacturing Track 3rd place (2019)
IROS 2019 Robotic Grasping and Manipulation Competition: Logistics Track 2nd place (2019)
SICE System Integration Division SI2018 Excellent Presentation Award(2018)
IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft) Best Poster Finalist (2018)
23rd Robotics Symposia Grand Prize (2017)
SICE System Integration Division SI2017 Excellent Presentation Award(2017)
Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers Best Paper Award (2017)
SICE System Integration Division SI2016 Excellent Presentation Award (2016)
SICE System Integration Division Division Academic Achievement Award (2014)
Reviewer award at medical engineering symposium from the Japanese Society of Medical and Biological Engineering (2013)
Excellent Presentation Award at conference of system integration division in Society of Instrument and Control Engineers (2012)
JSME Young Engineers Award from the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (2010)
Young Investigation Excellence Awards from Robotics Society of Japan (2008)
MAGnetoDynAmics Conference Best Paper Award from the Japan Society of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics (2005)
Professional activities
General Chair: Robomech2020
Chair of Program committee: SI2013, Robotics Symposia 2019
Program committee: ICRA (IEEE International Conference on Robots and Automation), IROS (IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems), International Conference of Mechatronics and Information Technology, IEEE International Symposium on Assembly and Manufacturing (IEEE ISAM) ,  IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC),  IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM)
Associate Editor:Advanced roboticss, Mechanical Engineering Journal, Mechanical Engineering Letters, etc.
Review: IEEE trans. Robotics (and Automation), International Journal of Robotics Research, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics, Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, International Journal of Optomechatronics, Advanced Robotics, ICRA, IROS, AIM, ACC and so on.
Member of
IEEE: Robotics and Automation Society and Medicine & Biology Society
Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
Robotics Society of Japan
Japanese Society of Medical and Biological Engineering
Society of Instrument and Control Engineers